With An Open Mind.
 If I could talk to the author Latifa i would ask her how her and her family could go through such a horrible time in their lives.  Why didn't she leave sooner?  Did at anytime she wish that she was a guy , because of the way women were ostracized and looked down upon . From them not being able to hold jobs , to not being able to go to school , even to them not being able to leave their house without a male with them . Than I would ask about the way life in Kabul was once, were there kids running freely not having a care in the world? And even how did she feel when the Taliban made the rules about having no pets and having to give up her beloved canary that song countless numbers of songs to her?  When did it finally hit her that the Taliban had taken over , was it when she saw the President’s body dangling from a window with cigarettes in his mouth and money in his pocket , or when her mom had to take down the gun that had hung on her wall for many years. The gun her mothers dad had given to her when he once fought in war , just because the Taliban didn’t agree with other people having guns besides them ? Or was it when she couldn’t own a radio or listen to anything or anyone except the Taliban? When did it hit her that these people weren’t playing and that they would be a part of her life for the next 5 years? When she woke up they would be there, when she tried to pray and read the Quran they would be reading it for her (if they let her).  That the Taliban weren’t just people that she once read about or heard about on the radio , but they were a group that she experienced first hand .

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