With An Open Mind.

Definition :

to be bizarre ;
Or have  shame

Sentence from the book :
The TALLLIBAN had hung their bodies, forcing people to look at them dangling grotesquely.

My  Sentence :
The actors wore dark capes and grotesque masks.

gro·tesque·ly adverb
gro·tesque·ness noun 

   Etomology :

 The reason i chose to do my satire project on short hand texting was because i feel alot of people mispell words in text and try to cover it up by saying they didnt feel like typing  the word when that honestly isnt the case. They just can't spell ! Every website that i went to dealing with text abbreviations talked about how every individual person tries to come up with their own abbreviations that's why there are so many different ones. My opinion on the matter is that you should either spell out the complete word or don't text the person at all . Texting is an alternate form of communication but some people just use it as a handicap /crutch . I chose to do a rap so everyone would better understand the point that i was trying to convey . When i wrote my rap i wrote the entire thing using " text slang" or text abbreviations. My satire was made for people of my age that would understand exactly what i was saying without having to look all of the abbreviations up for the words i used. When i flipped the meaning of text messaging and the abbreviations and made it seem like people who use text messaging in this form are illiterate or stupid and that is the definition of what a satire does to point out the weakens of someone to make a greater or more serious point.
I am currently reading My Forbidden Face by Latifa . This is a story based on her life being captured by the Taliban and the things that she had to do. Before I started reading this book I knew the Taliban were a crucial group of people who hazed women in particular , but I didn’t know to what extreme . When you look at the cover the first thing is a picture of a women ( you think it’s a women ) covered in her native dress but where the eye and nose part is  more like some kind of net or barricade .  When I first saw the picture I got the feeling that this girl was being trapped but I didn’t know to what extent .  I than begin reading the first two chapters of the book and learn Latifa is trapped in this kind of clothing that would usually be to pray in as punishment by the Taliban .


The epigram in the book is somewhat of a short poem around 3 to 5 lines talking about conformity. How you should submit to anything or anyone because once you do you no longer have what makes you ,you .Latifa has obviously touched many lives and hearts with this book by I think speaking out and telling everyone the unfathomable things that the Taliban pt her threw and how she escaped it. She has many good reviews from Entertainment Weekly even to Publishers weekly . Stating how “This memoir is one instance where a thousand words are worth more than any picture ’’.  In my personal opinion I think the book is somewhat of an astringent. It leaves sour taste in your mouth about the Taliban as a whole . Just because of the brutal things they do women who are their prisoners’. They have no rights and their eyes and are only useful for one thing sex. But , in a lighter sense the book shows how women back than had to coalesce with each other , whether they knew each other or not to try and escape the Taliban and to not conform to their ways .

Addictive is what I have Bcome lazy, dumb...idc what u call me... eff U...let me b me...... I really cant spell but you cant tell   WTH, without my phone I feel alone I like talkin wit no dial tone   I dont text bcuz i am shy  I am com4tble when I reply....I text bcuz, I really can't spell but u cant tell   BTW, I dont have time 2 check 2 c if my spelling is correct I need to hurry up & send b4 I 4get what I was tryin to tell my friend   If u didnt no We really dont need all the letters 4 the word 2 show IDC bout A, E, I, O and U slows down my slang... I mean D-A-N-G I really can't spell but u cant tell   My English teacher wants me 2 write, I say you want more I have to talk thru my I phone-4   Parents' say we will grow up and not know how to spell, It's my generations fate  Ms. Miller its 2 late...text me up cuz I really can't spell but u cant tell   textslang.com is my best friend... we communicate evry nite jus to make sure my lingo is rite I really can't spell but u cant tell   As long as I have u 2 talk to My stupidity will not shine Becuz u will always hit send and reply   LMAO, so if I am dumb what r u cuz, When u reply u understood my dumb 2 I really can't spell but u cant tell   U mite say I am on a spiral I say meet u @ the top of the staircase I wrote this rap, and I red it well I really can't spell but u cant tell   I  ask, AYSOS, r u stupid or somthin... only u wud no.. Can u spell....lmk... cuz lookin @ my phon..
I CAN tell U r like me, u cant spell tell me